Participants were invited to join:

  • the pre-conference evening programme on 11 June (film screening at Kranjska Gora parish church square);
  • the Alpine Convention Biodiversity Conference and actively join the interactive workshops and plenary discussion on 12 June (Hotel Ramada Resort in Kranjska Gora), together with the evening official reception and acknowledging the 30th Anniversary of Forum Alpinum (Hotel Ramada);
  • the ForumAlpinum 2024 on June 13 (Hotel Ramada Resort in Kranjska Gora) with three slots of interactive parallel sessions which brought together more than 40 scientific papers and posters from various Alpine localities;
  • the field excursions on June 14 (small bus, participation fee) where local organizers enriched the understanding of bio- and geodiversity in the case of Radovna River valley and Soča River valley.

The ForumAlpinum 2024 Preliminary conference booklet is out now!

Detailed information on the program of Forum Alpinum 2024 can be found here:

Detailed program ForumAlpinum excursions (14 June):

Publishing your scientific achievements

lSCAR is encouraging the participants of ForumAlpinum to publish their papers within existing scientific journals. We direct you in particular to our partner journals: Journal of Alpine Research | Revue de géographie alpineeco.mont – Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research and Management, and Acta Geographica Slovenica.
