The Scientific Board is responsible for co-designing the ForumAlpinum 2024 scientific framework, setting-up the scientific programme, formulating the topics and format of the interactive parallel sessions. Furthermore, the pre-conference proceedings will be afterwards updated with the main findings of each session. The Scientific Board consists of several members and is chaired by Valerie Braun (Institute for Interdisciplinary Mountain Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences). We would especially like to thank all abstract reviewers for their valuable input!
Members of the Scientific Board: Dr. Janez Nared, Dr. Irma Potočnik Slavič, Mrs. Živa Novljan, Dr. Elisa Frank, Dr. Valerie Braun
The Organizatorial Board takes care of the venue, the programme, the involved stakeholders and the local population. It is made up of several members and chaired by Irma Potočnik Slavič (University of Ljubljana).
Members of the Organizational Board: Mrs. Blanka Bartol, Dr. Andrej Arih, Dr. Peter Skoberne, Mrs. Taja Lakota, Dr. Janez Nared, Dr. Daniela Ribeiro, Mrs. Anja Trobec, Dr. Elisa Frank, Dr. Irma Potočnik Slavič
The Organizers of the ForumAlpinum and the Alpine Convention Biodiversity Conference 2024 are:
Co-organizer of ForumAlpinum 2024:

Austrian Academy of Sciences – Institute for Interdisciplinary Mountain Research
Host institution of the ISCAR office:

Swiss Academy of Sciences